Looking for work? South Australia’s agriculture industry needs you! From pickers to packers, processors and planters, there are a variety of agricultural seasonal jobs on offer in South Australia’s regions. With COVID-19 having an impact on primary industries securing workers, we've created Seasonal Jobs SA as a temporary initiative to bring workers and employers together to help keep SA’s supply chains flowing.
Why this work matters
Agriculture is one of our state’s proudest and most essential industries, from our world-renowned wines to the farm-to-table ingredients that nourish South Australian families.
And with borders closed, our industry is calling on South Australians to register as pickers, packers, processors and helpers to keep our food supply chains flowing and our regions thriving, so we can all continue to enjoy the food and fiber we grow.
If you are looking for a job, there are opportunities for seasonal jobs in South Australia’s regions.
Working in primary industries will help our agricultural industry continue to operate and support local communities, while providing jobs for South Australians.
Primary industries grow our state and regions
Our diverse primary industries are spread across the state's regions in the grains, livestock, horticulture, wine, forestry, seafood, and dairy sectors.
South Australia’s primary industries and agribusiness supported 115,723 jobs and contributed $15.9 billion to the state’s economy in 2018–19, with revenue of $15.2 billion.
You can help keep South Australia and our regions growing.
About Seasonal Jobs South Australia
Seasonal Jobs South Australia is a temporary initiative of the South Australian Government, delivered by the Department of Primary Industries and Regions.
COVID-19 has affected many. Borders are closed and there have been job losses. South Australians are now looking for a job, and primary industry producers and employers are looking for seasonal workers.
We're here to connect people looking for a job with businesses needing staff. We're not a recruitment agency, but can refer you to agencies and connect you to available jobs.
What to expect
Experience a wide variety of jobs year round! You could be working outdoors on the farm, in vineyards or orchards, picking fruit and vegetables, pruning vines or planting trees. Prefer the indoors? There could be opportunities in greenhouses, packing sheds and processing plants. Know how to operate machinery and have your licences ready to go? Great, we need you too!
Seasonal jobs - apply now
Want to know more about a job? Click on any of the jobs posted below to see more information. You can apply directly with an employer or agency via the ‘How to apply’ link in each post.