Gradcast is a podcast for current and aspiring Australian Public Service (APS) Graduates. They aim to inform university students about career pathways in the APS by providing them with an inside view of the APS work culture. Gradcast bring together past APS Graduates and subject matter experts from APS and beyond to discuss insightful topics such as how to prepare for interviews, engaging with your managers, and transitioning from a graduate to a permanent position in the APS. While also tackling fun topics like what to wear on casual Friday, office party etiquette, and how to network during rotations.

To listen to the podcast click here: 

Want to have your say?

Gradcast also wants to hear about what you want to know, so, tell them what YOU want to hear about in their next episode.

You can send them questions, topic ideas, guest suggestions or even feedback. Gradcast will try to cover them in their upcoming episodes.

Have your say:

#HaveYourSay #Survey #TopicIdeas #APSGrads