Immigration SA is the State Government agency responsible for international migration to South Australia. We offer pathways to permanent residency for migrants with skills that are presently needed in the state.

The State Occupation List contains all of the in-demand occupations in South Australia.

Hairdressers, cooks, health workers and various management occupations are some of the 18 new occupations classed as in-demand. View the complete list of newly added occupations in the news and events section of our website.

South Australia’s occupation lists are live. Any changes made to the lists are visible immediately, enabling you to see which occupations are currently available for state nomination.

The new occupation lists

There are now two State Nominated Occupation Lists for South Australia. The State Occupation list and the South Australian Graduate list.
  • Occupations on the State Occupations list are available to all applicants including South Australian international graduates.
  • The ‘off-list’ has been re-named the South Australian Graduate list. This list is for graduates who have completed a Bachelor degree or higher in South Australia.
  • The subscription functionality enables you to stay up to date with changes to the occupation lists and news and events items as soon as they are announced.
  • The details of the relevant skills assessment authority for each occupation is now included in the lists.
Remember, to be eligible for state nomination applicants must have a positive skills assessment from the relevant skills assessing authority for their nominated occupation.

Apply now

To apply for state nomination you or your client needs to create an account with Immigration SA. Find out how here.

Already have an account with Immigration SA?

Sign in and apply here.
Best Wishes,

The Immigration SA team

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