Applications are invited for the Cowan Grant Trust Overseas Travelling Scholarships. The Scholarships are available to support up to 6 commencing or continuing students undertaking any Undergraduate or Postgraduate Coursework program of study at the University of Adelaide in 2014.

These Scholarships are open to students who are Australian or New Zealand citizens or permanent residents of Australia and provides a minimum of $3000 and up to $5000 (dependent on number of
to assist with an overseas exchange for which the student will receive credit towards their enrolled program. The exchange program must be for a minimum of six weeks.

Selection for this scholarship will be made according to financial need and academic merit, with preference given to students who have had to relocate from a rural/remote area in order to study at the University of Adelaide.

Applicants need to demonstrate financial need and be able to provide supporting documentary evidence at the time of applying e.g. details of income tested Commonwealth income support payment such as Youth Allowance, Austudy, ABSTUDY benefits, or other details of their financial circumstances.

Successful applicants will be required to provide to the donor a brief written report (one A4 page) on completion of their exchange/placement.

The Scholarship must be taken up in the year in which it is offered; acceptance of the Scholarship offer cannot be deferred. If a student declines the Scholarship offer, the Scholarship will be offered to the next eligible student.

Please note: All students must apply through the Global Learning Application System (GLAS) in order to study overseas and receive credit. Please ensure Global Learning and your Faculty approve your overseas study.

Applications close Friday 30 May 2014.

Application Form (Word)

Application Form (PDF)