Some job candidates are memorable for all the right reasons. From the very moment they first come to the recruiter or employer’s attention, they get noticed. And we mean NOTICED.
They know that details such as presentation and punctuality make them stand out automatically. Even getting the font and text size right on their CV and cover letter works wonders. They don’t need to brag. Subtle self-promotion comes naturally.
Jason Walker, managing director of HAYS Recruiting experts worldwide recommends that jobseekers highlight one or two unique selling points to differentiate themselves. “For example, were you one of the highest achievers in your university degree?” says Walker. “Have you improved customer retention levels or led a project successfully?”
Other tips to fast forward you to the front of the queue include:
- Tip 1: Highlight leadership.
Recruiters and employers love job seekers who have leadership skills. Even if you’ve never had a job, you’ve probably got leadership experiences tucked away such as running fundraisers or managing sports teams. - Tip 2: Have relevant examples.
If you have examples of what you’ve done in the past you’ll turn heads. Practice talking about those examples out loud so that you can trot them out at the appropriate time. Keep statistics at your fingertips, says Walker. If you can recount how you increased sales by 10%, by XYZ or improved customer feedback by 5%, you’re bound to impress. - Tip 3: Summarise your experience.
Make sure your summary of experience is at the top of your CV and includes specific applicable experience, says Walker. “Consider using words from the job description or posting so that applicant tracking systems (ATS) can recognise them and make a match.” - Tip 4: Update your SEEK profile.
Recruiters and employers often look at candidate’s online profiles. The more you put into your SEEK profile the more chances you give yourself to get noticed by the right employers. - Tip 5: Answer questions directly.
“Once in an interview, be careful to answer questions directly and thoroughly as well as giving anecdotes about your career history, past actions and results,” says Walker. You should always directly relate these experiences to the job description. - Tip 6: Ask insightful questions:
If you need some suggestions, try these: ‘what prospects are there for personal and professional development?’ or ‘what skills and attributes do successful people at your company usually have?’ A useful tactic at the end of the interview, says Walker is to ask ‘how do you think I match up with this position?’
Hays asked 102 employers to list what turns them on in a job interview. Follow this list and put your best foot forward for the job:
- Be confident, happy and have positive attitude
- Have great communication and presentation skills and get the dress and handshake right
- Use of real life examples to demonstrate answers
- Illustrate how you stand out as a candidate
- Have a clear career plan and aspirations
- Be enthusiastic and passionate about the role
- Communicate the benefits you can bring the business
- Prepare questions in advance to ask the interviewer
- Display a good understanding of the role
- Be an active listener
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