Stand out from the crowd, show the world what you can do!

Bloomberg Institute is proud to announce the 2014 Bloomberg Elite Challenge, exclusively for students in Australia and New Zealand. Take the BAT between 1 June, 2014 and 31 July, 2014 to automatically qualify. We're also giving societies a chance to differentiate themselves from the competition. Societies who set up sessions and host more than 50 test takers are eligible to take part. Winners will enter the realms of the Bloomberg Elite and be rewarded with:


    ·iPad minis for the top two scorers in Australia and the top scorer in New Zealand

    ·Gold, silver and bronze Bloomberg Elitecertificates for the top 5%, 10% and 15% of scorers

    ·Guaranteed first round interviews for top performers with Bloomberg L.P.


    ·$500, $300 and $150 sponsorship prize for the three societies with the highest number of test takers

    ·Gold, silver and bronze Bloomberg Elite badges for your website

    ·Bloomberg Businessweeksubscriptions for selected winners

The BAT is a 2-hour, 100 multiple choice question exam that assesses test takers in 8 key performance areas and connects them with employers worldwide. The BAT is available free of charge during an on-campus or Bloomberg office session, and is US$39 if taken online from home.

To set up a session on campus or learn more about the 2014 Bloomberg Elite Challenge, please contact Melanie Reid at mreid42@bloomberg.net