SUMMER (Winter in AUS)OF CODE 2018

A 3-month global program focused on bringing more females into software development.
Women take free and premium online coding courses and work in teams on programming challenges.


Would you like to learn how to code? Or are you already a seasoned coder and would like to team up with other techie women – as well as win cool prizes? Then we’re hosting just the event for you! What’s more, all this happens online, so you can join from anywhere in the world.

1 Million Women To Tech – women’s Summer of Code is a 3-month global program focused on bringing more females into software development. Women can take free online coding courses and work in teams on programming challenges in weekly and monthly hackathons. This way you can win prizes and get introduced to top employers.

We welcome women from any backgrounds – students and industry professionals, those who have coded for decades and those who are curious about trying something new. Anyone who identifies as female or non-binary is welcome; inclusion is our motto.

No matter the age – the computer cannot see your wrinkles, the computer cannot see your acne. 😉


The Summer of Code consists of 12 weeks, with challenges for all level of skill from beginner to professional. We have curated a good mixture of Python and JavaScript for you, and courses do build on each other so you can start – for example – with an introduction to Python or JavaScript and then gain practical experience and build a small portfolio by the end of summer that you can showcase to employers or future clients.

If you are a total beginner we recommend one of the following learning paths:


If you have a background in Humanities, or Social Science and wish to improve your academic research or if you wish to find a job as a Data Scientist or Machine Learning Engineer in the future:

  • Introduction to Python – Week 1
  • Python the hard way – Week 2
  • Introduction to Natural Language Processing with Python (Week 3) or Introduction to AI with Python (Week 4)
  • Weeks 5-12, or however much or little time you have: work on the previous courses for the rest of the summer to make a project of your own with your newly gained skills, and to solidify your learning


If you are into Marketing, Business, or if you wish to find a job as a Web Application or Mobile Application Developer, or what is normally referred to as Software Engineer:

  • Introduction to JavaScript – Week 1
  • Self-study HTML, CSS, and practice JavaScript on your own because the following Advanced JS course is a big step up from the introductory course – Week 2-5
  • Advanced JavaScript – Week6
  • Build your First App in 7 Days – Week 7
  • React.JS – Week 8
  • Week 9 – 12, or however much or little time you have: work on the previous courses for the rest of the summer to make a project of your own with your newly gained skills, and to solidify your learning

Note: If you are a total beginner, we do NOT recommend you take both tracks. If you are experienced, however, then you will likely be able to handle both, provided you have the time.


  • Currently we are gauging interest. We will only hold the Summer of Code if at least 300 people pre-register.
  • We will cap the maximum number of participants at 10 times the number of mentors so that we can give each of you personalized attention and have meaningful Q&A throughout.
  • Courses and hackathons are free, however we request that you make a donation to our women’s educational non-profit. You may give as little or as much as you feel this education is worth to you.


All times are in British Summer Time (BST) time zone as most of us volunteers are based at the University of Oxford in the UK.

  • April 1: Pre-registrations open.
  • July 1: 12:00 PM noon Pre-registrations close. We will send an email with more details on logistics and content to those who pre-registered.
  • July 7: 12:00 PM noon Registration opens, donations are requested to be made at this time. Limited spots available: we will admit 10 women to every mentor to be able to provide a great experience. Volunteers receive a guaranteed spot.
  • July 12: 12:00 PM noon Last minute cancellations possible, donations returned if possible. Cancelled spots will be given to those on the waiting list.
  • July 14 – October 14: Summer of Code