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Visa Information Session for International Students

Are you an international student looking to continue your career in Australia after Graduation? Find out about the latest visa processes and state migration information from representatives of the...

2014 HOLT Valuation Challenge

Join the Credit Suisse HOLT Valuation Challenge and have a chance to interview for paid internships and CO-OPs in Chicago, New York or London starting from June 2015! The HOLT Valuation...

How To Explain A Low GPA In An Interview

You finally get the interview for your dream job. You’re looking good, feeling confident, and then you get hit with what could be a fatal blow. The interviewer says, “The other candidates for this...

GO Asia books available now!

GOAsia2014Cover.jpg The Graduate Opportunities GO Asia! Directory is tailor-made for students and graduates from Down Under who are from Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. You will find not only useful information...

5 Rules To Remember For An Informational Interview

An informational interview is not the same as a job interview. It is characterized as a short meeting held with someone that is very much like a mentor, or an individual who may have connections or...

15 Job Search Etiquette Tips

Minding your Ps and Qs is always important, but good etiquette becomes even more essential during a job search. If you fail to create a positive and lasting impression with employers, it could...