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Front Cover Design Competition Details – GO 2015

cover comp Win a week’s paid internship and see your design on books across the country – Graduate Opportunities (GO) are searching for a student to create a brand new front cover for our 2015 directory!Open to...

Super women are Money Smart

The Money Smart Week (1st to 7th September) message that people take the opportunity to improve their personal finances and their financial literacy, has struck a chord with the Australian Taxation...

How to answer the dreaded salary question

Are you a super salary negotiator? Can you answer the question: “what are your salary expectations”? The big "S" question gets our adrenaline flowing and some of us need a little help with...

Act Like A Business Owner To Advance Your Career

Whether you work for a global corporation, a small business, for yourself, or are a job seeker, it is absolutely essential you THINK and ACT like an “owner” if you want to advance your career. You...

4 Ways to Balance Your Job Search

Whenever I talk to job seekers who have been unsuccessfully searching for work for a long time, I often hear a common theme. These candidates have spent almost 100% of their job search time...

How To Decline A Job Offer

It’s easy to get excited when an employer is interested in you, especially when you haven’t had any luck getting interviews or job offers. But what if the job proposal isn’t a good fit for you? How do...