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10 Ways to Network Your Way to A New Job

Getting a job can be a major challenge, especially if it is your first job or you’re over 50. Think of the job market in your area and how many people will be applying for a job listed on an online...

2014 Bloomberg Elite Challenge

2014 BLOOMBERG ELITE CHALLENGE Stand out from the crowd, show the world what you can do! Bloomberg Institute is proud to announce the 2014 Bloomberg Elite Challenge, exclusively for students in...

Your Career Begins With What You Wear

Many years ago (we won't say how many) on the very first day of my first job, I got sent home from work. Why? It wasn't because I made a huge error in performing the work. It was because...

Why Ex-Waiters Make the Best Employees

Every company can use people who work well under pressure, have people skills, and are great at multi-tasking. Who can do all this? Ex-waiters. Because of their skills in the workplace,...

How not to impress an employer...

infographic-RecRev.jpg Do you know what attributes may put off an employer? Here are a few things to consider when putting forward a professional image, both at recruitment stage and when starting out at a new...

Making Introductions Is Your Best Networking Tool

Networking is perhaps one of the most valuable career-building skills a person can develop. When it comes to fleshing out your professional contacts, one of the best ways to improve your network is...